Lodge to Lodge

Are you thinking of a Lodge to Lodge biking trip?

Here’s what we need to know, in order to design a trip to suit your needs.

  1. How many riders?
  2. How far do you like to ride per day?
  3. How many days do you plan to ride?
  4. What types of lodging do you prefer? (Hotels, motels, campgrounds)
  5. What types of bikes do you use? Do we need to plan for trailers or other gear?
  6. Do you need your luggage moved?

With this information, we will send you information that you can pick and choose. You will make your trip reservations (hotel, eats and play) and enjoy all what the Mesabi Trail has to offer. You can book your shuttle with us. To reserve dates in advance, we ask a $100 deposit. We can include suggestions on great places to eat, cool historic sites to visit, and practical things like convenience stores, grocery stores and rest stops.

Please email: mesabi.shuttle@gmail.com

Funding Source

The Mesabi Trail™ has been funded in part by the LCCMR and the Minnesota Environmental and Natural Resources Trust Fund.